Waste heat boiler for hot water generation
This waste heat boiler generates hot water with the help of hot flue gases from combustion processes.
Use of process and waste heat
As a "waste product" from industrial processes or hot flue gases
Reduction of running costs
Through saving fossil fuels
Flexible applications
Thanks to individual design
H2 ready
Operation with up to 100 % hydrogen
Vitomax RW waste heat boiler for hot water generation
Viessmann waste heat boilers are designed according to the flame tube:smoke tube principle. Hot flue gas is routed through pipe bundles, where the heat is transferred to the water inside the boiler body.
To minimise radiation losses, this waste heat boiler is fitted with thermal insulation and a metallic casing. As with all Vitomax boilers, a boiler support spreads the load evenly across a large floor area.
Hydrogen up to 100 percent
In chemical operations such as the manufacture of chlorine and other industrial processes, most of the hydrogen gas is not used and is released into the atmosphere. Vitomax boilers, which can run on 100 percent hydrogen with an appropriate burner, offer a cost effective and efficient solution. Thus, with 1 MW of installed boiler capacity, >400 tons of CO₂ emissions can be avoided annually.

How waste heat boilers work
Waste heat boilers utilise the heat from flue gases generated during combustion processes or hot exhaust air from industrial processes to generate hot water.
With or without auxiliary combustion
Waste heat boilers without auxiliary combustion equipment use only flue gas/exhaust air to generate hot water. Waste heat boilers with combustion equipment are conventional boilers with a burner and waste heat utilisation.
Customer-specific requirements dictate the choice of version.
Waste heat boiler with additional combustion
Conventional Vitomax LW / Vitomax HW with additional waste heat flues
All fired Vitomax RW boilers are suitable for the combustion of up to 100 % hydrogen, subject to compliance with our general conditions for the use of H2.